A bit of time has already passed in December and in case you missed it, check out:
Advent of Code is a coding advent calendar. I can recommend it if you want to learn a new language, improve one you already know or if you are just up for the fun. How you solve the puzzles is fully up to you.
The pace is also yours to chose and you do not have to do the tasks in order – just like in a regular advent calendar you can open door eight before door 3 😉
I fell behind quite a bit, maybe because I was baking too many christmas cookies, but that also is not a problem since the tasks stay online after December.
Where to start?!
If you are little lost and new to programming, you might try solving the riddles in Python or Javascript. I tried Lua on some riddles last year, but you can chose whatever you like. If you are stuck or need help, you might try a Github search for Advent of Code or checkout the Reddit. As Rust is gaining popularity, you will also find exemplary solutions with it.