
  • Download the latest Arch ISO. I refer to the clickable link on the official releases page or - for German users - you can navigate to

  • Check the integrity of the downloaded ISO using the guide you can find on in the section “HTTP direct downloads”

  • Configure a bootable USB stick.

After booting your stick and chosing our preferred keyboard layout, you need to connect to the internet

Installing Arch Linux

Boot the USB stick

First, boot the USB stick on the computer where you want to install Arch Linux. You should be seeing below output. Photo of an interactive shell showing the starting message of the Arch Linux 6.4.12-arch1-1 tty1

Load your preferred keyboard layout, for example loadkeys de-latin1 for German.

Connect to a router with a LAN cable directly or connect to your WLAN.

Connecting to WLAN

I use the following commands to wirelessly connect to my router. Each command produces output as you can see in the image below.

device list
station replace_with_your_device get-networks
station replace_with_your_device connect replace_with_your_WLAN_SSID

Photo of the terminal outputs of the commands iwctl, device list & station

In order to test your connection, you can ping for example. The connection is established if you see ongoing responses of “x bytes received from…”


Run archinstall. You should see the interactive menu in the console. Photo of the interactive menu after running archinstall in the terminal


The following is an exemplary configuration I use. With Arch not everything is handed to you ready-made on a silver platter, yet if you are up for gaining the necessary background knowledge, it will pay out on the long run. Thus, if you stumble across something unfamiliar in the setup options: do some research, fill your knowledge gaps & improve :)

Config Option Value Additional Info
Archinstall language your preferred language
Mirrors region close to you What you want to install must come from somewhere. Mirrors are servers providing “all the stuff” you need to install Arch Linux. You can chose a mirror close to your location, since geographical proximity means low latency.
Locales your locale I chose “de” since I have a German keyboard
Disk configuration best-effort layout filesystem: ext4 I keep it simple and I am not doing much of manual effort here.
Disk encryption skip
Bootloader Systemd-boot systemd-boot
Swap keep default (True)
Hostname the name you want for your PC how about archibald ;)
Root Password your chosen root password Root
User account add users as you need it Since I am the only user I always create one admin user with root privileges
Profile Desktop: what you prefer, gnome is quite popular If you do not select “Desktop” here, you will have an installation with a command line only and not with the GUI you are used to where you can login and install and use programs like web browsers or office programs.
Audio Pipewire your choice shouldn’t matter if you are a regular user
Kernels Linux
Additional packages Skip I think I always ended up missing packages. But I tend to install them without a hurry afterwards
Network configuration Use NetworkManager
Timezone your timezone You can use the search to easily select your zone. For me it is Europe/Berlin.
Automatic time sync (NTP) keep default (True)
Optional repositories skip