There exists a colorful bouquet of operating systems (OS) to chose from. Most people know Windows and MacOS. If you google for “the most popular Linux distribution” you will very likely find Ubuntu, Manjaro or Debian in the lists of other bloggers who often rely on and there are enough articles out there about “what is the best Linux distro for xyz”.

When I first started to use Linux, I did not start with Arch Linux. I switched to it in the beginning of this year (2023) and it gave me grey hair and painful learnings. Yet I would never want to change that. Starting to use Arch Linux meant starting to need to know what I am doing. If you are that kind of person, you might like Arch Linux as much as I do.

If you google for “Arch Linux install” you will come across the official wiki (sidenote: you should always refer to the official documentation). The installation guide is good but at first glance it can be intimidating, especially if you are new to the developer world. Thus I will share my simple yet effective checklist for installing Arch Linux from a bootable USB Stick using archinstall in the next blog post.

Stay tuned and have a good weekend 🙂